Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Why did Yehoshua/Jesus have to die?

Why did Jesus/Yehoshua die when in fact he didn't sin at all? For many, Jesus being their god, it would have been easier if he'd done away with the crucifixion, and just pardoned the whole world's sin and save us all, wouldn't it? But the simple answer is that Jesus is not Truly God, he had to submit to the Will of his Father, this is the True God.

Jhn 17:1
These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; ...
Jhn 17:3And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.[KJV]  

Anyways, going back to the question why it was necessary for Yehoshua/Jesus to die for sins he did not commit. 
What was the reason why He had to die?

Eze 18:20The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.[KJV]

Num 14:18  'The LORD is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation.[NIV]

It is clear what YHWH said. 'The soul that sin, it shall die'. He will not leave the guilty, unpunished. So how is Jesus supposed to pay for the sins he did not commit?

Eph 5:31For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
Eph 5:32This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.[KJV]
Jesus is the head of his body, the Church. One head, one body - one Flesh/Man.

Eph 5:23For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.[KJV]

It did not say there 'he[Jesus] is the saviour of the World, but the body, which is the Church'. Is it ever possible for a man/woman to be born and live without a body or a head? Now going back to Punishment, Jesus was united to his body, the Church, which is a sinner, thus he had to be Punished for his body's sin. But all along Jesus' life on earth, he obeyed his Father, thus fulfilling the scriptures.

Eze 18:21"But if a wicked man turns away from all the sins he has committed and keeps all my decrees and does what is just and right, he will surely live; he will not die.

What? Jesus a wicked man? Hang on a minute. That doesn't sound right! Ofcourse not, Jesus himself didn't sin at all, but his body did, thus by uniting with sinners, he was made sin.

2Cr 5:21For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.[NKJV]

Was it Jesus' will to come and be united to his body, the church?

Jhn 6:38For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me[KJV]
Isa 53:10Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put [him] to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see [his] seed, he shall prolong [his] days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. [KJV]      
This was done so that the Law spoken by God in Numbers 14:18 is fulfilled. Thus, the Guilty is punished. But by Jesus, who was made sin, obeying his Father[God] - he had fulfilled what's written in Ezekiel 18:21.
Again for purpose of emphasis, it is by his union with the Guilty, his Church, being the head of it, he was made responsible for the body and he had to pay for its sins.

Psa 69:4Those who hate me without a cause Are more than the hairs of my head; They are mighty who would destroy me, Being my enemies wrongfully; Though I have stolen nothing, I still must restore it.[NKJV]
Now that the sin of his body is paid in full, what then is Jesus' invitation to all people -whoever and whatever race, nationality, sex they may be?

Jhn 10:7Then Jesus said to them again, "Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep

Jhn 10:9"I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.[NKJV]

Yes we have to Enter the Door and be counted among his Sheep. Thus, the Church of Christ [Iglesia ni Cristo], through the Door which is Jesus, is open to all people whoever they may be. 

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