Wednesday, 13 January 2016

The World's Biggest Employers are coming out in the Open?

Someone asked me today...

'Did you hear that? Paris Hilton has married something Rothschild?'

The very mention of the name made my ears tingle.

'Who is this Rothschild?' the person further asked.

So I said 'We all work for them.' the reply was 'What?!' and I said 'Yes, we all work for them. We are their slaves.'

Here's the full retort afterwards 'They own the all Central banks, apparently there three other Central Banks they do not own, I am not sure if this is true, but these ones are the central banks in Iran, North Korea, and another one i cannot remember. They actually own You and Me, your Country and Mine. They are the gods in this world'

But How?

... The Government goes bankrupt, so they ask for a loan mostly from the Rothschilds and their gang. We pay them interest.

But how?

...Our taxes go to THEM. Not to the Government.

Just take a glimpse of one of their properties in London, England below:

They always hid behind the curtains, so to speak. Never out in the open. But for one of them to get married to one of the most talked about ultra-rich celebrities? To be talked about in the mainstream media? which they mostly own by the way.

What does it say? It could just be a blip, or is there something more to it?

[Insert evil laugh here]

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