Saturday, 3 February 2018

Logan Paul and his fake show of Remorse.

He has been on the news a lot lately, his image plastered everywhere. Now i have to apologise for doing the same, giving him this exposure, I'm sure people are fed up looking at his visage. I just want to add my 2 wee cents to this issue.

I have not heard of him until i come across the headlines about him on many news outlets online. I know a few like him who make money making videos of themselves doing pranks on other people. Many people seem to enjoy this kind of entertainment.

Basing on the articles that came out, he appears to have taken a good bashing by almost all sectors of the society worldwide, except probably for his teenage fans who would defend him at any cost.

Here is an over 20  year old young adult embroiled in a controversy involving what appeared to have been a dead body in Japan. He was said to have been laughing. I was rather unfortunate not to have seen the clip myself. I am only going by what i read on the news.

The question is -Would he have done the same if it was a member of his family? Laugh at the lifeless body, then upload the video on to his money-machine - Youtube. A little later as predicted, he made money off it. Morals? Right and wrong anyone?

Of course he knew what he was doing, this was all premeditated - that people would be shocked, spread the word even more, subscribers salivating to watch this new episode, this was one of those rare moments, so he probably have thought. The 'shock factor', as he admitted in one interview, was the bulls eye he was looking for. It was not intended, but there it was, a gift handed down to him from heaven.

Obviously, the backlash of it all from people who have more sense in their heads was rightly expected. The insensitivity of it all by Logan, a real person in east Asia who could not go on in life just let it go, the remains of him - made fun of on record, uploaded, and then capitalised for popularity and profit.

Typical despicable Bully.

And the saga goes that he was booted out of YPP, but the temptation to make money by the latter was too great to resist, so they let him back in, for a penance by Logan pledging 1 million dollars in return for what appears to be a show of remorse - read: SHOW.

But what is a million dollars to him? I read somewhere that he gets that in a couple of months off Youtube. So in short, that was just pennies.

But now he's crying because his earnings have dropped. Are we supposed to feel sorry or should he get another chance of earning millions and millions of dollars as he did before all this drama?

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